Application tools/approach for Youth SNS consultation/outreach

October 1, 2008

Information collacted so far..


What do you think to about this poster?


Visual images; story board

Upload image and invite young people to add their comments below

If young person submits comment, if appropriate, e-mail with questions to gain further understanding of their view. Encouraging reflective, critical thinking and learning. 

Good youth practice is encouraging young people to develop conscious thought process not instantaneous reaction.



TOP site for practitioner and young people


Invite young person/group to upload their image that represent their view/ideas

Invite the young person/group to add comment/explanation

E-mail to young person/group encourage them to be responsible in the submission of the visual images


Life swap:

Young people given a mobile phone with camera functions and take photos of their day and up load images/photo with comments on to site. contact for info – Shane McCracken []


Video images:

Young people given camera at consultation events to document their views these can be upload (with permission) to the group or main site.

Young people can upload their views through clips recorded on their mobiles.

These would need to be approved prior to upload onto main page/group.

Youth worker would need to clarify permission had been given by all young people in clip




Invite young people to upload music that represent there view on a subject/topic.

Application tools/approach for Youth SNS consultation/outreach


Private contact – direct e-mail to young person

Need to be clear, short and in easy read english format.

Images can be uploaded with e-mail to promote thinking and engagement of young person.

Young person can be sign posted to relevant website if requiring information/advice on a topic.

Sent or received e-mail not witness by other young people/friends, unless shown by young person whom received the e-mail.


Group e-mail to young people whom are members of a groups on SNS

i.e. Young parents

Need to be clear, short and in easy read english format.

Images can be uploaded with e-mail to promote thinking and engagement of young people.

Group members can be sign posted to relevant website if requiring information/advice on a topic/task.

Young people can be encouraged to express their views on discussion board (if appropriate) to promote learning and dialogue about topic.


Consultation/learning cycle

Decisions makers can e-mail feedback/photos/video that can be uploaded to group area – monitored by administer proper to upload (check the format and language is appropriate i.e. not too formal)

Young people can then review how their information has been used and what change has taken place due to their involvement.


Young people can review and feedback to information provide by decision maker which in turn can be forward (with young person/groups permission) to continue the consultation/learning cycle.


The benefit of SNS consultation is that young people can feedback their views in a manner that is accessible to them (written, visual or audio) without it being filtered, moderated or mis-represented by adults.



Monitoring what dialogue is taking place between practitioner and young person

Evidence practice?


Informed consent with young person to evidence correspondence with manager – contacted and permission provided by young person prior to e-mail dialogue.






The story so far….

September 25, 2008

Infromation on use of SNS in Devon Youth Service

Safegaurding Young People on SNS

September 25, 2008


Safeguarding young people on SNS

Topics to consider:

Ø      Privacy policy

Ø      Data Protection Act

Ø      Acceptable Behaviour

Ø      Child Protection Protocol – South West Child Protection Procedures

Ø      Use of photographic/film images – consent of young person


Websites to check out:

Channel 4


Information commissioners Office

Direct Gov

Direct Gov Young people


Ø      What is your organisational standard policy? (Peter Hoskins)

Ø      Complaints procedure?


The public should have ‘fair processing information guidance’ before they provide personal information that can identity them.

Ø      Who will use the information?

Ø      How the information will be used?

Ø      Will it be passed on to others? For what purpose?


Social network sites:

Ø      Young person submits request to be a friend:

Ø       Status of the their profile – need to request that it’s not public but on setting ‘friends only’

Ø      Welcome e-mail sent to each young person when they are accepted as a friend to profile.

Ø      Terms of reference/acceptable behaviour


E-mail that is sent to each yp that joins the Youth Participation profile.

Young people have feedback that they understand the content and that the terms were acceptable.

Welcome to Youth Participation Team.

Hi, thanks for becoming a friend of youth participation team.  You have an opportunity to get ur views heard by youth management about issues that are important to you. 


There are lots of different ways to get ur views heard –  writing your views/questions on facebook, coming along to an events or blogging on 


I shall never share any of your information/views/questions without gaining your permission before hand.  We will always clearly explain where and how your information will be used and feedback what change/difference your involvement has made.


It is IMPORTANT that everyone is treated with respect and consideration. I will NOT allow offensive, homophobic or racists comments on my page.  If this does happen they will be removed and your youth worker/Connexions worker will be contacted to discuss the situation.

If you have any concerns or complaints please don’t hesitate to e-mail/contact me.  All complaints/concerns will be investigated.



Terms of reference for joining and contributing to a group on GETURVOICEHEARD profile


Group’s discussion board, area managed by administrator:

Pre-moderation – every single message is checked before it appears on the board. All of the GETURVOICEHEARD message boards are supervised in this way.

Post-moderation – all messages appear on the board first and are checked afterwards. Most GETURVOICEHEARD message boards are supervised in this way.

Reactive moderation – messages are only checked if a complaint is made about them. This approach is only used on boards for adults.


Young people wanting to link a website to the discussion, to be approved by administrator:

 Example below by Radio 1


Disclosure of information

Where a disclosure of information is required by Child Support Legislation the disclosure will not be in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998.

This will be the case even though the client may object to the disclosure of their personal information or may not have provided any specific permission to disclose the information.

For example Regulation 9A of the Child Support (Information, Evidence and Disclosure) Regulations 1992 permits the disclosure of information given by one party to the other party in certain circumstances.


Thoughts on Social Network Sites

September 3, 2008

Benefits of using Social Network Sites.


Voluntary engagement of young people on line, the power differential of choice, young people decided if they want to engage and contribute.  There is no obligation and there is the removal of the pressure to appease the adult.


Young people need to have clearly understanding about how, where and to whom their contributions will be submitted.  Also how they will receive feedback and what change/difference if any taken place. Accountability and clear explanation of the participation process – communication and cycle.


Initial trail use of social network sites would be inviting young people whom attend a ‘live/real’ youth provision and have regularly contact with a youth practitioner.  If any issues of arise during the trail, these can be resolved through positive reflective engagement.


Interpretation of words and dialogue of the WRITTEN WORD express by young people.


 I have a concern for misinterpretation by adults over reacting to young people views and opinions.  In my observations and experience we tend to hear and listen selectively however, with written evidence of dialogues and opinions of young people there is the possibility of adults over reacting. 


There needs to be clear consultation, debate and discussion with young people and adults about how the policy and framework will guide young people and practitioners on how to respond to issues of clear inappropriate comments are being submitted – young person/group submitting sexually explicit words, abusive language, racists comments, homophonic comments.


I would anticipate that once comments are removed that an appropriate identified practitioner would contact the young person/group and review the situation facilitating discussion, reflection and learning about their views/opinions and the repercussions on others and themselves.  There is a necessity to promote reflective and critical thinking amongst young people but also adults!


What about the ‘grey’ area?


This raises issues regarding young people’s value bases, ethics and morality in contrast to some practitioners or adults in regards to how they may express themselves through there comments or visually images on a SNS.

Social networking

March 26, 2008

Social networking: scope for fantastic opportunities to communicate with a broad range of young people.

Numerous challenges to be tackled to create a safe environment for young people and practitioners to consult and participate regarding youth provision and development.


  • Identify council barriers to social networking platforms for business purposes, in particular engagement with young people
  • Identify best practice usage of such sites for engagement with young people and wide groups of interest
  • Propose a DCC Policy to support continued use of such sites for business usage in particular engagement and communication with clients
  • Identify and propose a process for which access to administer such sites on behalf of DCC can be managed.

 Work plan for next month:

Policy development – need to check what currently exists?

Framework for practitioner and young peoples protection

Contact & Collate advice from current advisory organisations/agencies on social networking policy development

Set up basic Bebo & Facebook account to explore functions and possibilities.

 Organisations / Agencies that offer advice and information: NSPCC 0808 800 5000 ThinkU KnowChild Exploitation and Online Protection CentreTelephone: +44 (0)870 000 3344
 Get Safe Online

International Youth Advisory Congress (IYAC)

July 2008 sees the first ever International Youth Advisory Congress (IYAC) as up to 200 young people and children from all around the world come together in London to meet with representatives from across government, the police, child protection communities and the online and mobile industries.  The theme is online safety and security.   

We have blast off!

March 26, 2008